Titan Dental Solutions

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The Enamel plus system is completed with the new biocompatible Bio Function composite that combines the characteristics of abrasion resistance similar to natural enamel, the aesthetics of modern restoration systems, ideal workability and greater biocompatibility thanks to the innovative organic components and inorganic.


ENA Composite Handling Brush

ENA Composite Refills

ENA Flow Sealant Pit & Fissure Sealant

ENA HFO Fluorescent Flow Stain

ENA HRi Bio Function Enamel Kit

ENA HRi Complete Kit

ENA HRi Intro Kit

ENA HRi Trial Kit

ENA Matrix (Sectional Matrix System)

Enamel Plus Shiny Finishing and polishing kit

Micerium HRi Complete Shade Guide

Micerium ENA Composite Heater

Tender repair kit ceramic & metal


EnaBond is a low-viscosity, light-curing, one-component bonding agent based on ethanol with the fluorescence of natural teeth; the bonding values ​​reach over 30 MPa. EnaBond can also be used in dual-curing mode with EnaBond catalyst. It is also particularly suitable in combination with the dual-curing EnaCem post cement.

•ENA Bond SE Primer: water, methacrylates, phosphate ester
•Light-curing bonding material ENA Bond SE: methacrylates, initiators

• as a bonding material for direct light-cured composite restorations
• as a bonding material for ceramic or composite restorations (inlays, onlays, veneers)

ENA Bond SE is compatible with all light-cured composites and dual-cure materials available on the market.

ENA Composite Handling Brush

For composite Manupulation
Hair type: Martha

• C hair brush for stains
• F hair brush for Fossa and Anatomy
• M hair brush for Manipulation

ENA HRi Soft White Silicone Brush

Small Tip for Composite Handling

ENA Flow Sealant Pit & Fissure Sealant

Natural toto surface sealant
• Composite restoration martin sealant
• BIS-GMA and Bisphenol-A free

ENA HFO Fluorescent Flow Stain

Material to be used in posteriors as cavity liner for direct and indirect restorations (before taking the impression) and in anteriors for class V. Standard flowable composite formulations incorporate fine air bubbles into the material. When photo-polymerized these air spaces result in uncured composite internally, leading to internal structural weaknesses and the development of micro-fractures. The ENA HRi Flow formulation eliminates air bubbles, resulting in superior physical properties.

• Class V restorations
• Base layer for Class II box prep
• Small class I restorations
• Small class III restorations
• Filled sealant
• Temporary (Inlay/Onlay)
• Tunnel preps
• Pit and fissure sealant
• Blockout
• Small core build-up
• Porcelain/Indirect composite laminate luting cement
• Seal post head of implant
• Direct veneers
• Temporary veneers
• Restoration of primary teeth
• Fill surface irregularities in enamel

ENA HRi Bio Function Enamel Kit

Highly Biocompatible Composite for Anteriors and Posteriors Composite system for direct and indirect technique, with mechanical and functional characteristics similar to natural enamel. Bio Function combines the characteristics of wear resistance similar to natural enamel and gold to the aesthetics of the modern restoration systems. Furthermore, it guarantees an excellent handling and a higher biocompatibility thanks to the innovative organic and inorganic components. Completely biocompatible to guarantee a perfect integration in harmony with the human body without releasing any toxic substances. High stability resin matrix and absence of nanoparticles in the powders generated by abrasion phenomenon that could be absorbed by the body. The UDMA and TCDDMDMA innovative formula is Bis-GMA free, a monomer that can liberate Bisphenol-A (BPA), an organic compound that exhibits estrogenic properties in human body causing health problems.
BF1, BF2, BF3 (posterior enamel) 2.5g x 3 colors

Shades Indications :
• BF1- low value
• BF2 – medium value
• BF3 – high value

ENA HRi Complete Kit

3 enamels ENA HRi, 3 intensive enamels ENA HRi, 9 dentines ENA HRi, 15 syringes 5g

• Dentine with fluorescence and increased translucency calibrated to natural dentine.
• Ultra-light Dentine: UD0 and UD0.5 for bleached teeth.

• Invisible margin thanks to high refraction index – no “glass effect” lowering the value of restoration.
• Opalescent effect blue and amber given by HRi Enamel (Transparency 30% until 0.8mm).
UE1: Low value – for worn teeth or elderly patients.
UE2: Medium value – for unbleached natural teeth or adult patients.
UE3: High value – for whitening or deciduous teeth or young patients.

• Characterization and intensive effect created by intensive enamel (IM, IWS, IW).

ENA HRi Intro Kit

Highly Biocompatible Composite for Anteriors and Posteriors Composite system for direct and indirect technique, with mechanical and functional characteristics similar to natural enamel.

Bio Function combines the characteristics of wear resistance similar to natural enamel and gold to the aesthetics of the modern restoration systems. Furthermore, it guarantees an excellent handling and a higher biocompatibility thanks to the innovative organic and inorganic components. Completely biocompatible to guarantee a perfect integration in harmony with the human body without releasing any toxic substances. High stability resin matrix and absence of nanoparticles in the powders generated by abrasion phenomenon that could be absorbed by the body. The UDMA and TCDDMDMA innovative formula is Bis-GMA free, a monomer that can liberate Bisphenol-A (BPA), an organic compound that exhibits estrogenic properties in human body causing health problems.

BF1- low value
BF2 – medium value
BF3 – high value
Ultra-light dentine: BD0 and BD0.5 for bleached teeth
Ultra-dark dentine: BD5 and BD6 for cervical area and stratification technique

ENA HRi Trial Kit

2 enamels (UE1-UE2), 4 dentines (UD1-2-3-4),6 syringes 2.5g
This kit includes necessary materials to get started with ENA HRi to complete restorations, without the complete shade selection for more advanced and complex anterior restorations.

Highly Biocompatible Composite for Anteriors and Posteriors Composite system for direct and indirect technique with mechanical and functional characteristics similar to natural enamel.

High stability resin matrix and absence of nanoparticles in the powders generated by abrasion phenomenon that could be absorbed by the body.

The UDMA and TCDDMDMA innovative formula is Bis-GMA free, a monomer that can liberate Bisphenol-A (BPA), an organic compound that exhibits estrogenic properties in human body causing health problems.

UE1 – Low value enamel, Older patients.
UE2 – Medium value enamel, Middle aged patients.

ENA Matrix (Sectional Matrix System)

Easier than a traditional matrix, more precise than a sectional matrix

• entirely in nickel titanium for exceptional resistance and elastic memory which guarantees great durability and always precise contacts. Autoclavable plastic fins reinforced with glass fibers.

Anatomical MATRIX
• with marginal ridges to reduce finishing times. They brown perfectly. Flaps with hole allow, with the appropriate tweezers, positioning and removal without problems.

• adapt anatomically to the interproximal area and allow for complete sealing both buccally and lingually.

Enamel Plus Shiny Finishing and polishing kit

Bring Micerium restorations to a lustrous polish using the “Shiny” polishing system. “Shiny” is a fast 3-step system using diamond and aluminum oxide polishing pastes. It is designed specifically for this nano-hybrid composite and will quickly polish restorations while preserving the anatomy created.

Micerium HRi Complete Shade Guide

The Enamel Plus HRi color key is made from the original composite, which makes it easier to choose the correct color using masses similar to those used in natural tooth reconstructions. The wedge shape of the guide makes it possible to simulate layers of variable thickness as well as the superposition of enamel over dentin.

Micerium ENA Composite Heater

It warms up the composite at the temperature of approx. 39°C/102°F, making the material more flowable and reducing the stress in the extrusion from the syringe and stratification phases.

In this way, this reduces the risk of separation between the matrix and the filler, it improves the biomechanical characteristics of the composite and it avoids bubbles. It is possible to regulate the temperature at 55°C/131°F to obtain even more flowable material for cementation. With 6 spaces for syringes and 4 spaces for tips. Also for warming up sodium hypochlorite and anesthetic.

Tender repair kit ceramic & metal

Features of the repair kit:
• For ceramic and metal repair.
• High adhesive bond for resin based materials.
• Avoid infiltrations.

• One 2.5 ml Tender Bond Metal-Ceramic Primer unit.
• One unit Tender opaque paste for metal 3 gr.
• One unit Tender opaque clear paste for ceramics, 3 g.
• Enamel Plus M brush.

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